Bilbao is pleased to welcome the 4th edition of the Global Social Economy Forum GSEF 2018

Mr. Christophe Itier
High Commissioner for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation. Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. Government of France

Ms. Antonella Noya
Head of Unit Innovation and Social Economy at the OECD

Mr. Robert Beaudry
Deputy Mayor for Economic Development. City of Montreal

Ms. Emilia Saiz
Secretary General UCLG

Ms. María Jesús San José
Minister of Work and Justice. Basque Government

Mr. Iñigo Ucín
President of MONDRAGON Corporation

Mr. Juan Mari Aburto
Mayor of Bilbao. Spain

Ms. Laurence Kwark
Secretary General GSEF

Mr. Ariel Guarco
President of the International Co-operative Alliance

Mr. Kyong Yong Song
Co-chairman of GSEF

Ms. Rosa Lavin
President of Basque Network of Social Economy

Mr. Luigi Martignetti
Secretary General of the European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy REVES

Mr. Franz Wolfmayr
Former President of EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities)

Ms. Christiane Bouchart
Vice-president on Sustainable Development and Climate Strategy at the Lille Métropole and President of RTES (Réseau des Territoires pour l’ Économie Solidaire)

Mr. Slawomir Tokarski
Director for Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing. European Commission DG GROW

Mr. Juan Antonio Pedreño
President of Social Economy Europe and CEPES

Mr. Manoj Kumar Teotia
Assistant professor (Former HUDCO Chair) of Centre for research in rural and industrial development, Chandigarh, India

Mr. Paul Ladd
Director at UNRISD

Mr. J. Phillip Thompson
Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives. City of New York, USA

Mr. Markku Markkula
First Vice-President, European Committee of the Regions

Mr. Martin Van Den Borre
Executive Director of C.I.T.I.E.S

Mr. Gerardo Pisarello
First Deputy Mayor of Barcelona City, Spain

Mr. Jason Nardi
General Delegate – RIPESS Europe

Mr. Park Won-soon
Mayor of Seoul. Republic of Korea

Ms. Eunae Lee
CEO of Seoul Social Economy Center

Mr. Gianluca Salvatori
Secretary General of EURICSE- European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises

Mr. Leandro Morais
Latin American Observatory for Work and Social Economy

Ms. Lourdes Benería
Professor Emerita at Cornell University’s Department of City and Regional Planning

Ms. Marguerite Mendell
Professor and Vice-Principal of School of Community and Public Affairs. Concordia University

Ms. Pauline Eyebe Effa
General Director of PFAC (Partnership France-Africa for Co-development)

Ms. Simel Esim
Head of the Cooperatives Unit. International Labour Organization

Mr. Thierry Jeantet
President of SSE International Forum

Mr. Txomin García
President of Laboral Kutxa and Vice-president of the National Union of Credit Cooperatives (UNACC)